Friday, September 26, 2008

Thank goodness its Friday!!

Man this has been a crazy week. Katie had Softball practice 2 nights -Aubrey had rehearsals every night til at least 9pm. The play was last night it was very good. SOOOOO glad its over . Now we just have softball and social and church to keep up with!!! Maybe life will slow down enough for me to plan a trip to Fayetteville EVENTUALLY!!!!
Going to see Fireproof tonight cant wait. Well keeping it short and sweet today:)
love ya'll

Monday, September 15, 2008

My Husband

I said much about myself but while I have time I would like to share a "few" words about my Richy. When Richy and I met he was not a Christian. He was struggling with the trials and tempations of life. But even then Richy was the most kind, honest and humble person I knew. When we got married I decided to start a young couples class so that the younger married couples of our church could have a class of our own. At that time I prayed often that God would raise up strong Godly young men in our church. At the time there were hardly more than 3 men that would actually pray out loud in class and of course Richy wasnt one of them. I also prayed that God would give me a Godly Leader in My Husband.( ladies be careful what you wish for) As time went on the men in our church began to grow and Richy was ever faithful to church. One evening we attended a Community revival, I believe in 03. It was there that Richy gave his Heart completely and wholy to God. Since that day My husband has transformed over time into exactly what I prayed for ... a Godly leader. Not a day goes by that I am not convicted by the example of his actions. Over the last few years Richy went from someone who said Im not talking about my faith or God with other people, they might be offended. I still smile when I remember him saying that because it reminds me of the changes that God can bring about in us. He witnesses with boldness in character and truth to the men he works with everyday. And most recently I have been in awe at the transformation Richy has experienced in worship. I am so thankful to those like Michael , Mitch, and others who have encouraged maybe even pushed Richy onto the stage to use his talent and gift of music. There was a time when Richy would have never stood before men to speak or perform. And now I see him stand before us on Sunday pouring out his Heart for all to see. Worshiping God and witnessing in all humility. I tell you each time it occurs I weep and wonder how I am worthy of this man. Also thankful to God because he gave me such a gift. My Richy. Now I must admit to bring him down to earthly measure as a husband he is known to track dirt in on my clean floor, leave the seat less than neat, or be occasionally selfish. He is Human after all. So it in those times I remind myself of the man I see in worship and ... try not to nag too much.... Because I know with him at my side and God at my head I can endure anything.
Oh and I almost forgot! Richy has had the honor of being asked to serve as a deacon in our church. He, along with our friends Mitch and Chris, will be ordained on Sunday Sept 28th. This is a step of Christian maturity we are both going to take. Pray that we will grow in the Lord and as leaders in our church we will only do what is pleasing to God. ....Richy's going to kill me when he sees how much I wrote about him!!!

A cracked Pot Speaks

Well Im joining the ranks of all you Fleming folks. Me? a Blog? sure Ive got the gift of gab, but to say something significant thats another story. I said a lot of the basics in About Me . So I guess Ill start here by explaining my title. Over the years Ive heard speakers speak on being a "cracked pot" and I participated in an Awesome bible study about being a Broken Vessel. This really speaks to me because in our lives we make mistakes and we disappoint God . These Broken places in our lives make us like a cracked piece of pottery. But if we place a light in that pot and place it on a lamp stand the light will shine through and not be hidden. God works the same with us. It is in our failures, mistakes and brokeness that God can really shine His light through us to others. I often feel this is what lead me to Youth ministry in particular, because it was in those teenage and single years that I disappointed God and myself so much. But I can only hope that I can use those experiences to help guide young people not to follow in my foot steps because in them there is a lot of pain and scars. So I desire to lead young people and others to live better than I did to be what God wants for them be ....more like Jesus. I can also share with them that when they make mistakes, just like me it in those cracks in their lives that God can shine too and their is such hope for them. I can definitely testify that even though I am a Cracked Pot God uses me and I am so Blessed.